Monday, February 17, 2020

Where Is Insecurity Costing You The Most?

Greetings all!

In my recent yoga practice, the teacher spoke of the insecurities we all carry. We might not be aware of them, but the fear of being not good enough might have an invisible but a very real impact on our lives. Our health, finances, happiness/wellbeing, career/work, and relationships might be suffering because we think we are not good enough.

Take this free 5-minute assessment to see if insecurity has no real impact, is somewhat limiting your life, or if you are in the danger zone.  

The test consists of 16 questions similar to these:
  • If you are an employee, how fulfilled are you in your current work situation?
  • Do you have any ongoing health issues?
  • Would you describe yourself as an attractive person?
  • How would you describe your relationship with money?
  • How well are you treated by friends and family?
  • To what degree have you settled for less than you really desire?
  • Are you making genuine progress towards your most important life goals?

Take the test here:

What did you think? Drop me a line!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Seven Emotional Clutter Blocks

Greetings all!

Do you have trouble getting rid of the things you do not need or use? Understanding your emotional relationship with stuff might be the first step to decluttering! 

Tracy McCubbin, a professional decluttering expert, suggests "to organize for what you're keeping, not what you have currently." According to her, there are seven emotional clutter blocks that prevent people from getting rid of stuff:

1) My stuff keeps me stuck in the past
Do you have an item of clothing in your closet that will probably never fit again?

2) My stuff tells me who I am
Is what you buy an important part of your self-identity?

3) Avoiding my stuff
Do you let your bills pile up unopened?

4) My fantasy stuff for my fantasy life
Have you bought equipment for a new sport or a hobby only to realize it is not how you want to spend your free time at all? Have you gotten rid of it?

5) I am not worth my good stuff
Do you have any fancy china that you use only for special occasions or do not use at all?

6) Trapped with other people’s stuff
Do you feel an obligation to keep the things people gave you (inheritance, gifts, etc.)?

7) The stuff I keep paying for
Have you ever bought an expensive item that you do not use but feel guilty getting rid of? In my opinion, the item might not even be expensive but because you worked hard for the money you spent on it, you might have trouble getting rid of it.

MY NOTE #1: Do not buy things you do not need just because they are on sale or currently trending!
MY NOTE #2: Be prudent about buying several of the same. But to tell you the truth, I am on the fence about this one, especially shoes! Comfortable cute shoes spark joy, no? Hmm :)

Read the full article by Krista Torres here:

What did you think? Drop me a line!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ground Yourself [Yoga Practice]

When you are about to step into a situation where you’ll feel anxious – like giving a presentation at work or having a tough conversation with your partner – you can literally shake off some of that negative energy.

Try this technique, which you can even do in public. Bring your palms together and rub them vigorously for two or three deep breaths; connecting the two sides of your body and making you feel more balanced. Next, shake your hands off as if you’ve just washed them and don’t have a towel to dry them with.

This simple practice is yoga’s best-kept secret to recalibrate the mind-body connection and instantly feel more grounded.

~ Jessica Lin (as read in the November-2019 issue of Real Simple magazine)