Monday, April 27, 2020

Poems of Hope

Longing (~ by Tony)

Hours fly by,
Days blend from sunrise to sunset,
Loneliness in our desires to escape,
No light to be met.

Sadness around the world,
Strength in right places is scarce, 
All we can pray for is eternal health,
So we can reunite and move boundaries. 
Together but Apart (~ by Irina)

Another week is rolling by,
Month 2 of isolation....
Together but apart we work
While praying for salvation.

We're staying in and wearing masks -
All human touch on ration.
But when we finally can hug,
It's cause for celebration!

Monday, April 6, 2020

No-Sew 5-Minute Face Mask

Greetings all!

Image shared by a friend, source unknown

Here is a quick and easy way to make a no-sew mask with fabric and hair ties. You will need a square piece of fabric (e.g., a bandana) and slightly worn hair ties or just regular elastic bands. At the end of the post, I also provide a good resource for those who know how/want to sew! Remember to wash after each wear.

MY NOTE: If you fold the edges into each other, then the part over your face is not as bulky.

  1. Place the scarf or handkerchief facedown on a flat surface.
  2. Fold the top half down to the midline of the scarf, then fold the bottom half up to the midline.
  3. Flip it over so that the seam faces down.
  4. Fold the new top half down to the midline, and the bottom half up.
  5. Flip it over again so that the seam faces up.
  6. Loop a hair tie over each end of the folded rectangle.
  7. Fold the free sides of the rectangle in toward the middle, layering one side over the other. MY NOTE: If you fold the edges into each other, then the part over your face is not as bulky.
  8. Flip it over! Loop the elastics over each ear to wear, making sure the mask covers your mouth and nose.

Stay safe and healthy!