Monday, March 30, 2020

Yoga with Helene [Neck, Hips, and Hamstrings]

Greetings all!

Many of us are staying home, and some of us are probably struggling to find discipline and motivation to exercise (looking in the mirror and nodding). We work remotely – and how many of us can boast an ergonomic workstation at home? Your kitchen table does not count!! We probably also spend a lot of our non-working time on phones/computers/TVs. End result? Tight muscles, kinks in the neck, and all sorts of creaking sounds.

Just because we cannot go to live classes doesn’t mean we should stop moving. There are a lot of resources available and I loved reading about them, without actually exercising. What finally made me roll off my couch and stretch was one of my favorite yoga instructors, Helene, posting free yoga videos. They are short, easy to follow, and you feel great at the end of the practice!

Helene is funny, caring, and very down-to-earth in both her live classes and in her videos. She makes sure you are safe and is great at breaking down the poses. Some of her advice is applicable outside of a yoga practice: 
  • Feel what your body is telling you to do!
  • Unclench!
  • Your teeth will not help you with this pose!
  • And SMILE!
Helene shared her yoga philosophy with me:

“Yoga is medicine. Through consistent practice, Yoga can restore balance and flexibility which is so important for maintaining the quality of life. My personal philosophy is that Yoga is for everyone. My goal as an instructor is to bring Yoga to everyone and to have all practice safely. For this reason, I choose to teach my classes from the ground up emphasizing foundation and then alignment with a full emphasis on having the correct form before moving deeper into the postures or form before depth.”

So take half an hour and stretch. Your body and your mind will thank you! Stay safe and healthy! 

Monday, March 23, 2020

What to Do? What to Do? PLENTY!!!

Greetings all!

Whether you are practicing social distancing, are bored, or just looking for new ways to spend your time, there is plenty to do!

Here are just some ideas in no particular order:
  1. Stay connected
  2. Sleep
  3. Meditate
  4. Exercise
  5. Clean your house
  6. Fix stuff
  7. Organize (your finances, paperwork, computer files, etc.)
  8. Do your taxes (yes, the deadline in the U.S. has been extended but…)
  9. Read a book
  10. Do a puzzle
  11. Write in your journal or blog
  12. Make art
  13. Write real letters to your family and friends
  14. Go for a run, take a walk or a hike
  15. Spend a day at the beach
  16. Go bird-watching
  17. Take a virtual walk through the U.S. National Parks
  18. Take an online class
  19. Go on a virtual museum tour
  20. Watch a movie
  21. Watch a sports game
  22. Watch a comedy show
  23. Attend a virtual opera, ballet, or musical
  24. Listen to a podcast or a lecture
  25. Practice a musical instrument
  26. Learn a language
  27. Take a cooking class
  28. Try a new recipe
  29. Watch funny videos and share with everyone
  30. AND – stay healthy, safe, and calm! 
What did you think? Drop me a line!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Center Yourself [Breathing Technique]

Greetings all!

I hope you and your loved are staying healthy and keeping calm in these uncertain and alarming times. Here is a technique that might help you center yourself from Margaret Townsend (as read in the June-2019 issue of Real Simple magazine):

It’s easier to respond to whatever the day may bring in a more balanced and open-minded way if you spend a moment centering yourself. Let your belly soften and take three gentle breaths into it. Then put your hands on the center of your chest. Inhale slowly and imagine breathing in from the bottom of your feet through the top of your head and into your heart. Exhale and feel your ribs soften downward under your hands.

After a few repetitions, ask yourself, “How do I want to respond to people and situations today?” Keep breathing this way for one to three minutes and notice a feeling of centeredness, clarity, or ease.

Take care!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Thought of the week - Uniqueness

Greetings all!

Here is an inspiring thought for the upcoming week (from

Have a great week and honor your uniqueness every day!