Monday, March 27, 2023

Keukenhof Garden in Netherlands

Greetings all! 

I recently took a photo trip down memory lane, and one of my favorite places to visit was Keukenhof Garden near Amsterdam. Its official website calls it “The most beautiful spring garden in the world” -  and this year you can catch its glory from March 23 to May 14, 2023.

My pictures do not do these flowers justice so if you ever have a chance to visit Netherlands in the spring, take a day trip to Keukenhof to admire tulips, crocuses, daffodils, and more! 

Did you know:

  • The garden was started in 1949 by 10 flower bulb growers. 
  • In 2022, over 1.1 million people visited from over 100 countries.
  • Now Keukenhof boasts 7 million flower bulbs that were planted by 40 gardeners in October 2022 to prepare for 2023 season.

A wonderful video here ( 

And some more gorgeous pictures from



What did you think? Drop me a line!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Financial Advice from Dave Ramsey

“What to do isn’t the problem; doing it is. Most of us know what to do, but we just don’t do it. If I can control the guy in the mirror, I can be skinny and rich.” ~ Dave Ramsey

Greetings all!
Would you like some financial advice from a well-known money expert? I enjoyed these suggestions from Dave Ramsey:
1. Eliminate debt before you invest: Ramsey does exclude mortgage, which makes sense since most people cannot afford to buy a home with cash.
2. Harness the power of the snowball effect: Eliminate your debt in order of smallest to largest so you can build momentum, close smaller outstanding debts, and boost your confidence. Side note: I think this also works as a productivity hack!
3. Build an emergency fund before you build wealth: Financial experts recommend having at least 3-6 months of your living expenses as a cushion. Totally agree with this advice! 
4. Give 15% of every paycheck to your future self by using a tax-advantaged account (e.g., 401k with employer match or IRA/ROTH in the United States). I love the idea of having my future self thank my present self. Also, I like the advice I read elsewhere: if you get a bonus or a salary increase, invest or save it if you can. Since you were used to your previous level of earnings, can you allocate the extra to your future self? Wouldn't it be nice if our future selves visited us in the present to disperse life wisdom?

5. Keeping up with the Joneses is an unwinnable game – to paraphrase, do not buy things you do not need with money you do not have to impress people you do not like.
6. Utilize money-saving technology, such as budgeting and coupon/cashback apps, automatic savings (e.g., weekly transfers from your checking to your savings account), or lowering your thermostats. 
7. Go low tech: I always balance my bank account and try to cancel and/or completely avoid unnecessary subscriptions and gadgets. 
8. Have a plan when shopping: The article talked about grocery-shopping but I think this is good advice for any kind of shopping. Be very careful with your impulses - shopping or otherwise - when you are excited, bored, sad, angry, and/or intoxicated! I did some research and did you know that:
  • 84% of all shoppers have made impulse purchases.
  • The average shopper will make an average of 3 unplanned purchases in 4 out of every 10 store visits they make.
  • Almost 50% of all impulse purchases are regretted. I was actually surprised that this number is not higher.

9. Continue educating yourself financially, put into practice what you already know, and work with a financial professional.
Reflecting on the quote in the beginning of this post - “What to do isn’t the problem; doing it is” - I thought it applies to so many areas of our lives. But for now, how about just balancing your checking account?

Monday, March 13, 2023

Overnight Oats

Greetings all!

Are you a breakfast person? If you are, do you make breakfast every morning? I love a good breakfast but sometimes I just do not have the mental energy to think of what I want to have with my coffee. And sometimes I do not have the time to prepare something delicious from scratch. This is where a butler would come in handy but alas I am still butler-less. If you are in the same boat, try making overnight oats!

Image and recipe idea from

I love this recipe - easy, healthy, delicious, and very efficient! You can make a big batch the night before to carry you through several mornings. Also, if you like variety in your meals, this recipe is super-customizable - just swap the toppings. 

Image and recipe idea from 


  • Base: Rolled oats + your choice of milk (water works too). 
  • Toppings: vanilla extract, bananas, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, honey, maple syrup, pinch of salt, cacao nibs, raisins, dried fruit, etc. 


  • Mix oats and milk or water (1:1 ratio works well so the oats are barely covered with liquid)
  • Add toppings now or before serving (if adding frozen fruit or berries, add them now)
  • Refrigerate overnight in an airtight container
  • Before serving, add a splash of milk
  • Add additional toppings, if desired 
  • You can store up to 3 days


  • Fruit or berries (fresh, frozen, dried)
  • Granola and raspberries
  • Strawberries and almonds
  • Cherries and walnuts
  • Mango and pineapple
  • Chia seeds, honey, and nuts
  • Honey and grated apple
  • Honey, grated apple and carrot, walnuts, and raisins
  • In Ireland, some hotels offer a splash of whiskey in your oatmeal - what a fabulous idea for a lazy weekend in!

Bon Appetit! Let me know how you like it!