Greetings all!
Here is the December-2020 calendar from CALM: lots of wonderful suggestions and ideas for self-reflection and self-care. I love the December 2 reminder!
Take a moment to find joy, gratitude, and positivity in each day! And remember to breathe!
December 1 - Listen to a loving kindness meditation today.
December 2 - Loving kindness begins with ourselves. We fill ourselves up to become a source of generosity and care. Write a list of the ways that you practice this towards yourself.
December 3 - Write a list of your beliefs that tell you it’s not okay to be loving with yourself. After writing your list take a moment to compassionately challenge each of these beliefs.
December 4 - Write a list of the things that make you happy.
December 5 - Do something that makes you happy today. While doing so take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, “may I be happy”.
December 6 - Write a list of the things that make you feel healthy.
December 7 - Do something positive for your health today. While doing so take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, “may I be healthy”.
December 8 - Write a list of the things that make you feel safe.
December 9 - Do something that contributes to your safety and security today. While doing so take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, “may I be safe”.
December 10 - Write a list of things that make you feel peaceful.
December 11 - Do something that connects you to that peaceful place within. While doing so take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, “may I be at peace”.
December 12 - Think of a friend who’s been feeling sad lately. Do something for them that might inspire the possibility of joy within.
December 13 - Think of a friend who’s sick. Do something for them that might support their health and well-being.
December 14 - Think of a friend who’s been feeling unsafe lately. Do something for them that might support their sense of safety.
December 15 - Think of a friend who’s been feeling stressed lately. Do something for them that might offer them some ease.
December 16 - Offer kindness to a stranger.
December 17 - Think of someone who challenges you, and if possible, try to hold them with care and compassion in your heart.
December 18 - Think of some people in the world that are suffering that you don’t know and do loving kindness meditation in dedication to their wellbeing.
December 19 - Check in with yourself today. What sort of loving kindness do you need from yourself today?
December 20 - Offer loving kindness to your inner critic.
December 21 - Make space for quiet and reflection today. Perhaps on a walk, over a cup of tea or while journaling.
December 22 - If it is within your means, give to a cause that is meaningful to you.
December 23 - Send loving kindness via text or social media today.
December 24 - Give yourself the gift of healthy and compassionate boundaries today0
December 25 - Feel the joy of giving today and allow yourself to receive from others fully.
December 26 - Give yourself the gift of movement today. Go for a hike or do a Calm Body session.
December 27 - Ask a friend to mediate with you today. Do the Daily Calm together or a loving kindness meditation.
December 28 - What gifts has mindfulness brought into your life? Celebrate your growth.
December 29 - Write down a list of gifts that you have received from others that are not objects.
December 30 - Cultivate awareness of the world around you in all directions. Send well wishes to everyone within your awareness (humans and animals)!
December 31 - Reflect on the past year. Express gratitude for gifts this year has brought and honor the losses in your life.