Greetings all!
When I recently came across an article called “7 Daily Habits to Change Your Life Forever,” I was intrigued! After I read and reflected, I cannot help but agree with the author (Joshua Becker) that these habits can indeed change your life! Here they are:
1. 3-Item To-Do List
- To keep you focused on your priorities and feeling accomplished at the end of the day.
- I also like the habit of a daily highlight – one thing that will make you feel good if you finish it.
Sometimes, it is something as simple as re-connecting with your loved ones but finishing that huge report for work is good too!
2. Exercise
- I love it how Joshua says not to overthink it. I have been trying to incorporate short workouts into my days and it is truly a game-changer. I just drop on my yoga mat and do a quick 10-minute arms workout. Although it might be the dessert that I occasionally have after the workout that contributes to my sense of well-being – more testing is needed!
3. Turn off Television
- YES!!! Have you tracked how
much time you spend mindlessly watching TV and being online?? A friend recently could not
even remember which show she was watching but I am sure she spent hours
staring at the screen.
- This is your opportunity to do other more exciting and fulfilling things. I could not agree more!
4. Practice Gratitude
- To reframe your
circumstances. Do it daily!! I recently read about a woman who moved to the US
from Africa and for quite some time she was so poor that she was eating out of trash cans. Do you
know what she was grateful for? That the trashcans in America probably
contained CLEAN food. This just blew my mind.
5. Write something
- To see the world in a different way. I will quote Joshua here, “Where your writing ends up means far less than the impact it will have on your life.” I love this quote and apply it to my blog. However, I do hope that my posts make a positive impact on your lives!
6. Reset Your Kitchen
- To help you
start your day right. I love waking up, going to my kitchen and just
pressing the button on my coffee-maker, with no dirty dishes in the sink and
everything put away! Makes me think “It’s a brand new day!”
7. Eat Together
- If you are live alone, this might be tough but I have heard about Zoom happy
hours – and why not!
- But if you do live with someone, do not neglect it! See #4 above.
8. I would also add meal-planning, getting enough sleep, practicing meditation, and reading!
Read the full article here:
What did you think? Drop me a line and share the habits have changed your life!