Monday, December 26, 2022

7 Festive Cocktails

Greetings all!
And Happy Holidays! I was recently scrolling down the cocktail recipes, and it struck me just how pretty and festive the cocktails are with proper garnishments! Who knew that a candy cane or a sprig of rosemary can magically and instantaneously invoke the winter mood!

The Holiday Cocktail
Whipped cream and edible rose petal garnish
Image: Morton’s the Steakhouse

Upgraded Eggnog
Freshly grated nutmeg
Image: Riverpark

Winter Wonderland
Candy cane hanging on the sugar-rimmed martini glass
Image: Morimoto Asia at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida

Grinch on Vacation
Cinnamon dusted scalloped pear slices and cranberries
Image: Natasha Velez

Crushed peppermint candy and rosemary
Image: Casamigos

Cranberry Bramble
Image: Kyle Ford

A Berry White Christmas
Mint, dried pineapple, and powdered sugar
Image: Eric Hobbie of Camden Cocktail Lounge

Monday, December 19, 2022

The True Meaning Of Life [Poem of the Week]

The years have passed by
In the blink of an eye,
Moments of sadness
And joy have flown by.

People I loved
Have come and have gone,
But the world never stopped,
And we all carried on.

Life wasn't easy,
And the struggles were there,
Filled with times that it mattered,
Times I just didn't care.

I stood on my own,
And I still found my way,
Through some nights filled with tears,
And the dawn of new days.

And now with old age,
It's become very clear;
Things I once found important
Were not why I was here.

And how many things
That I managed to buy
Were never what made me
Feel better inside.

And the worries and fears
That plagued me each day,
In the end of it all,
Would just fade away.

But how much I reached out
To others when needed,
Would be the true measure
Of how I succeeded.

And how much I shared
Of my soul and my heart
Would ultimately be
What set me apart.

And what's really important,
Is my opinion of me,
And whether or not
I'm the best I can be.

And how much more kindness
And love I can show
Before the Lord tells me
It's my time to go.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Brain Dump

Greetings all! 

Do you ever feel like that? I recently came across this magnet in a store and thought how appropriate it is for our times – too much to do, too much information! So how can we close these brain tabs?

I recently tried a “brain dump” technique – and I LOVE it! It helps declutter your thoughts and quiet your mind. You can do it daily in the morning or at night, or once a week.  

Even though the name “brain dump” is strange, it actually is a perfect description – you dump everything out of your brain onto paper. Based on the studies I have read – and my personal preference! - pen and paper might work better than the electronic devices but whatever method you choose, I urge you to give it a try.

It is similar to a to-do list but the main difference for me is that first I free write anything and everything on my mind. Basically I just dump it all on paper – and organize later. Someone compared it to a temporary shelf for your thoughts and I like this analogy.

Sometimes, the anxiety that we have about a certain task is because we are afraid of forgetting to do it but once it is written out, you no longer have to spend the mental energy and space on it – it is right there in front of you! Granted, we might procrastinate because we really do not want to deal with something but the thought is still there and nagging us – in our conscious or unconscious mind – so write it down and it might help you address it sooner! 

Brain dump can be thoughts, questions, emotions, to-do tasks, random stuff – again, anything and everything that is currently occupying precious space in your mind can be dumped onto paper. You do not need to have a fancy notebook or a journal or a special pen – although I have been curious about bullet-journaling so this is a non-urgent task on my brain dump page - “research bullet-journaling!” 

I like doing big brain dump weekly – that gives me an overall view of the near future – and then update it as things come up. I use a regular sheet of printer paper – one for personal life and one for work.  Then, especially for work projects, I organize each entry in sections on another piece of paper or in a notebook. 

What I like about this approach is that I see everything at a glance – it does not have to be pretty or neat or orderly, it doesn’t even have to be in complete sentences - it just have to be out there on a piece of paper.  

If I am thinking of a big task, I might just write out “plan vacation” on my main brain dump page and then have another page with more detailed tasks (e.g., flights, hotels, attractions, etc.). 

Also, brain dump helps me separate things that are more urgent or important from tasks that can be accomplished later. And of course, regardless of how we keep ourselves organized, it is extremely satisfying to cross things off the list! 


What did you think? Drop me a line!