Greetings all!
I can’t wait for 2020 to end. This has been the year we will all remember – a year filled with uncertainty, fear, sadness, and loss. We might have lost family members, friends, co-workers, people we did not know but still cried for, and jobs – and each loss made a scar on our hearts.
How does one get up in the morning when today seems gloomy and tomorrow is uncertain? I say with HOPE. Because hope, kindness to ourselves and to others, and just pausing to breathe are the lifelines that have been helping us survive and believe that tomorrow will be better.
I love this video about the power of hope – and also about the power of little things.
Traditionally, the New Year’s Eve is the time to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Often, our resolutions are rather grandiose and ambitious – and there is nothing wrong with that! But I also try to remember that little things in life matter a lot. Sometimes, all you need to feel good and hopeful is to make your bed!
Happy New Year! Stay safe and healthy, have hope, and do not give up! And remember - YOU ARE ENOUGH!