Monday, December 14, 2020

Down Shift Menu

Greetings all!

When was the last time you took some time for yourself? A 2-hour massage or a week-long vacation would be great but these are not recommended activities at the moment. 

Why not take a 10-minute break right now? Here is your Down Shift menu of little things to help you de-stress! You can even combine several of them! 

Or - gasp! - try to find 10 minutes and do nothing. Just turn off everything and let your mind go blank for several minutes, which is actually quite challenging because our thoughts do not want to stop!!

Which was your favorite item on this menu? Drop me a line!

1 comment:

  1. Healthy break! appease all emotions we are unaware of as we go along our days and chill... that is the best therapy. Thank you for sharing!
