Monday, April 15, 2024


Greetings all!

How is the weather in your city? It was raining pretty hard over the weekend in my area so on Sunday I decided to sleep in and just be lazy.

Little did I know but I was actually practicing hurkle-durkle! To hurkle-durkle is to linger awake in bed, wrapped in your best blanket well after you “should” have gotten up.

This wonderful and cute-sounding Scottish concept goes back to the 1800s and recently went viral on TikTok.  Hurkle means “to draw the body together,” but the origins of durkle and their combined use are less clear. 

Regardless of the origins, hurkle-durkle just sounds fun, no?! And I have to confess it felt lovely and indulgent and restorative to just lounge in bed instead of thinking of and tackling the next item on my to-do list.

So, if you can and when you can,  indulge in a little hurkle-durkle – and your body and mind will thank you!


1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite things to do! I was so happy when I heard there was an actual term for it! I like to hurkle durkle in any kind of weather! Being retired allows me to indulge in it!
