Monday, June 24, 2024

What to Do When You Feel Stuck

Greetings all!

Do you ever feel stuck? I recently received a wonderful email from CALM (meditation app) that asked a fantastic question: Are you stuck or are you on pause? 

“Feeling stuck doesn't mean you actually are stuck.

In a world where we're all focused on moving forward (fast), it can feel stressful and demoralizing when we hit a wall and don't know how to get unstuck. That's okay.

Sometimes there's medicine in feeling stuck. It might be an invitation to sense into what matters to us or to acknowledge what our body and mind need to move ahead.

Try this the next time you feel stuck:

  • Don’t get caught in perfectionism. Making any choice, no matter how small, can help you gain some momentum.
  • Get curious about what standing still might be teaching you.
  • Make a gratitude list to help you focus on what’s going right in your life.

Remember: You can’t always see growth as it’s happening. Trust in the process.

Reflect: Are you stuck or are you on pause?

Reframe: Why is this happening to me? → What is this teaching me?"

If you are stuck, I hope this helps you get unstuck. And as my CALM emails always remind me…

What did you think? Drop me a line and get unstuck!

Source: CALM

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